
The Kurdish Painter Osman Qadir

Ashti Garmiyani   /   24 августа 2017 года

Osman Qadir is a famous Kurdish artist who’s been documenting the Anfal and genocide of Kurdish people for 20 years into a project and gained PhD through it. Osman Qadir Ahmed was born in Sulaimanya. He completed the Institute of Fine Arts there,department of painting in 1981. He’s also completed the Academy of Fine Arts in London. Osman has succeeded in reaching the most popular galleries of painting in London. He managed to show the audience and officials of that country the catastrophes Kurdish people has faced through his art and designs. Osman Qadir is a hard-working artist. He could find his abilities in this respect. Techniques of his work started from the academic basis. The instructors of department of painting in the Institute of Fine Arts helped him lay the  foundation, then he took the difficult route and promised to reach the parliaments and governments of the world through participation and showing his dramatic artworks in the galleries of UK, Europe and Kurdistan. Osman’s tworks are comprised of water and oil color work, design with all instruments. In the beginning, he was inspired by various motifs from the Kurdish which he illustrated on his canvases. He painted also portraits, landscapes,  village life and bazzars. Then he continued with the catastrophes faced the Kurdish people, such as using chemical weapon and mass exodus of people to the mountains. Osman has based his work on academic principles, then he moved to realist-expressionism.  He’s a member of many international and national art organizations. After gaining his PhD, he’s now teaching art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sulaimanya. In addition, he has continued to be active and opens exhibitions to show his creative pieces of unique art. 
