
Kurds a Nation Frozen in Time Kurds a Nation Frozen in Time

Dana Caban

Kurds a Nation Frozen in Time


2009, 252 стр.

ISBN: 9781438999777


In 1999 NATO was proudly praising its member for the excellent job for stopping the aggression and the ethnic cleansing of the Kosovars by mad men, but what the NATO didn’t know was that the ethnic cleansing was on going for years inside the territory of NATO member Turkey the strongest ally of US. The Clinton Administration has raised the military aid to Turkey to stop the unrest situation and the uprising of Kurds.
Turkey's brutal regime escalated its attacks on poor kurds and they have destroyed more than three thousands villages and displaced many thousands of Kurdish families from their homes, NATO and US not only didn’t stop the Turkish aggression and ethnic cleansing but watched the destruction of Kurdistan in the hands of the NATO.
В 1999 году НАТО с гордостью хвалила своего члена за прекрасную работу по прекращению агрессии и этнической чистки косоваров «сумасшедшими», но то, что НАТО «не знало», состояло в том, что этническая чистка продолжалась годами на территории члена НАТО Турции – самого сильного союзника США. Администрация Клинтона увеличила военную помощь Турции, чтобы остановить беспорядки и восстание курдов.