
The Lost Gardens of Babylon

PBS   /   10 января 2018 года

Top Ten Origins: Russia’s Relations with the Kurds

Pietro Shakarian   /   20 ноября 2017 года

Russia’s cooperation with the Kurds of Iraq and Syria in the fight against ISIL has been widely publicized by the Western media. However, less well-known is the fact that Russia’s relations with various Kurdish groups date back almost two centuries.

Lost city in Iraq founded by Alexander the Great discovered by archaeologists

Niamh McIntyre   /   8 ноября 2017 года

Kurdish Poet Battles to Defend Language, Culture

Dorian Jones   /   7 ноября 2017 года

Diyarbekir, Turkey — In a packed auditorium, a performance of a historical epic Kurdish poem, its tragedy akin to Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," is taking place.

Kurdistan: Where Poets Are More Than Poets

Alana Marie Levinson-Labrosse   /   7 ноября 2017 года

Poets are setting people free, liberating thought through language.

Do not radicalize the Kurds

Ano Abdoka   /   7 ноября 2017 года

Kurdish children’s books from Soviet Armenia are a rare glimpse into a fractured culture

Michael Erdman   /   2 ноября 2017 года

The culture of the Kurds, among the world’s stateless people, has fallen victim to the assimilation policies of countries they live in.

Kurds, Their Neighbors, and Prospects for Independence

The kurdish project   /   2 ноября 2017 года

A combination of emotion and pragmatism drove the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to push for an independence vote on September 25, and emotion and pragmatism are shaping local, regional, and international responses to the referendum.

Who Owns Kirkuk? The Kurdish Case

Nouri Talabany   /   1 ноября 2017 года

Kirkuk is an essential part of Iraqi Kurdistan. While Kirkuk's demography has been in flux in recent decades, this is largely a result of ethnic cleansing campaigns implemented by Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime. Free from Baathist restrictions, many Kurdish refugees have returned to their homes in the city and its immediate environs. While many diplomats and analysts may be tempted to delay decisions about the final status of Kirkuk—whether it should remain as it is or join Iraq's Kurdistan Region—any delay could be counterproductive to the goals of peace and stability.

Encyclopedia Judaica: Kurdistan

Edith Gerson-Kiwi   /   1 ноября 2017 года

KURDISTAN, region in the Middle East, divided among three countries: *Turkey , *Iraq , and *Iran . The majority of the Muslim population of Kurdistan lives in Turkey, another part in Iran, and the smallest part in Iraq. In contrast, the Jews of Kurdistan – until their great exodus in 1950–51 – lived mainly in the Iraqi region (146 communities), some in the Iranian region (19 communities), and only a few in Turkey (11 communities). There were also a few Jews in the Syrian region and other places (11 communities). There are no accurate statistics on the Jews of Kurdistan. It has been estimated that before the establishment of the State of Israel there were between 20,000 and 30,000 Jews living there. Kurdish Jews also lived in the Diyala province of Iraq, especially in the town of *Khanaqin , the number of Jews varying between 1,689 in 1920; 2,252, 1932; and 2,851, 1947. The Jews of Mosul speak Arabic and some also understand Turkish and Kurdish. For this reason, some scholars do not reckon them among the Kurdish Jews, even though they resemble them somewhat in their way of life. They form a separate unit known by the name Miṣlawim.

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